NFT Price Floor Stabilizer: Guaranteed BuyBacks
DeFi Magic is proud to introduce a novel system that can help to increase NFT sales and generate income at the same time for both the project and the community. We call it the NFT price floor stabilizer. Effectively, it reinvents the concept of a “price floor” on NFTs.
Currently, a price floor, as defined by NFT marketplaces, is based upon the ASK price. This makes no sense. By traditional definition, a price floor is related to the BID side. It is a reference to a “bottom price” or a price area defended by buyers, so to speak. In the most simplest terms, it’s the concept that the price will not go lower than a certain value.
The idea here is that we use a portion of the NFT sales generated income, and redirect those funds to a smart contract system that invests in external staking contracts. Naturally, diversification is an easy and no-brainer pathway. The funds are then staked in various ecosystems, which then accumulates rewards.
In other words, instead of pocketing the sales from the NFTs, we are utilizing that money to directly benefit the NFT buyer, you.
This is where the fun begins. From a quick technical review of the process, we choose either an automated solution we’ve created, or manual solution (depending on the mechanical needs of the NFT series involved) to create the price floor.
Automated Route
The automated route is chosen when there is typically just one NFT collection being targeted with the funds and the needs are quite simple. The concept is that there is a server that’s setup that auto compounds the rewards and tracks the USD value of the rewards accumulated. The system is meant to also track the lowest BUY IT NOW price on the associated marketplace of the NFT collection. If the rewards USD value accumulated is equal to or greater than the lowest price of the NFT collection for sale, the accumulated rewards are sold, converted to the necessary token to buy the NFT, buys the NFT, and sends it back to the project to keep and resell at a later date.
This one utilizes multiple smart contracts as a symbiotic system paired to the NFT collection in the open markets.
Manual Route
The manual route is chosen typically when there are batched NFT collection series needed to be incorporated. As well as when mechanical changes may need to be conducted on the fly.
The only real difference between the automated and manual route is smart contracts handling the processing of the staking pools and rewards versus a person. Noting that a person can always override the automated route for security and efficiencies.
The Results
The result is the price of the NFT is protected and pushed up to the next lowest BUY IT NOW price. The principal balance is protected, not sold, so more rewards continue to accumulate again to be available to buy more and more NFTs from the collection in the future. This means that it is a mathematical inevitability that the price of the NFT collection must rise on a long enough timeline.
Sound too good to be true? The beauty of math is that it does not lie. And the beauty of blockchain is the transparency. You don’t have to believe us. Come join the Telegram to learn all about the magic behind the system, and how you can participate and profit:
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